Part 1: The Problem with Utah Politics
Politics: Poly, meaning many; Ticks, blood sucking bugs. Chapter 1: The Background I’ve always hated politics. In high school, one of my teachers offered an extra-credit...
March 20, 2018
Politics: Poly, meaning many; Ticks, blood sucking bugs. Chapter 1: The Background I’ve always hated politics. In high school, one of my teachers offered an extra-credit...
Heads UP It looks like there is a coup happening RIGHT NOW in the Utah Republican Party!! Why doesn’t Chairman Anderson want the SCC to meet...
Last night, Count My Vote, SB54, and the Buckshot Caucus won – and the Republican process lost. A “former” Democrat didn’t care about your elected neighborhood...
State Rep. Rich Cunningham voted against SB54 two years ago, indicating that he “disliked” the legislation which would allow candidates to “get around” the traditional Caucus...