My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and all those touched by the tragedy in our neighboring state of Arizona. I will continue to hold public events to hear from Utahns about what’s on their minds. I certainly appreciate that people across Utah are concerned about the direction of our nation. I am too, and together we can chart a course to ensure our nation remains a blessed place for our children and grandchildren.
Best Wishes,
Orrin Hatch
The Senseless Attacks in Arizona
“Today I join every Utahn and American in condemning this senseless and brutal act of violence in Tuscon. This is a national tragedy and we all mourn those who lost their lives. Acts and threats of violence have no place in our political discourse or in a civil society. Elaine and I send our deepest condolences and prayers to Congresswoman Giffords, her staff and all those who were attacked in Arizona today.” Read more here.
Hatch-Cornyn Balanced Budget Amendment Letter to Colleagues
“The American people are demanding action from Washington to get our fiscal house in order once and for all. They don’t want any more empty rhetoric or excuses. . . Year after year, decade after decade, Congress proves that it will not solve this crisis on its own. There are simply too many ways for Washington to avoid controlling its spending and balancing budget. But continued failure and a deepening budget crisis are not acceptable.” To read the full letter please click here.
Hatch Urges Administration Against Pursuing Tax Increases Under the Guise of Tax Reform
“When it comes to tax reform, we should cast a wide net and thoroughly examine our entire tax code to make it more efficient by broadening the base, while lowering rates. I caution the Administration and its Capitol Hill allies, however, against pursuing any tax increases under the guise of so-called reform. This would unnecessarily politicize a much-needed discussion of how to fix and improve our tax code.” Read the full statement here.
Hatch Hails Grand Opening of New St. George Airport
“For years, some naysayers said a new airport would never get off the ground,” A few did everything they could to see that it wouldn’t. The opening of this facility today is a testament to the vision and persistence of the city, state, and federal officials who worked together to make it happen, and I am pleased to have had the privilege of helping bring this project to fruition. This bigger, better airport is a reflection of how far St. George has come, and it will help this community reach its full potential.” Read the full statement here.
Hatch Brings Industry Leaders for Roundtable Discussions with Utah Businesses
“I want to help Utah businesses continue to build on that success and find new ways to network and attract additional investment dollars and world-class talent. I designed these roundtables to provide Utah’s business leaders with an opportunity to participate in interactive discussions with industry experts on what it takes to grow a successful tech or life science business, and what investors look for when acquiring start-up companies.” Read more here.
P.S. If you have any concerns which my office can help with, please visit my website at