- @gapingvoid Trouble with McCain is that he SHOULD have a (D) after his name #
- @gapingvoid There’s always Ron Paul… #
- @spiderwebwoman Be thankful it’s warning you before it fails entirely! #
- @mikedopp Because saying "everyone is special" is just another way of saying that no one is. #
- @NicoleSimon damned global warming making it snow! 😉 #
- @mikedopp "and he’s not even potty trained!" #
- @spiderwebwoman I’m just glad they replaced the S.T.U.P.I.D. reporting they had before S.M.A.R.T. came out… 😉 #
- @mikedopp to which code are you referring? #
- @mikedopp I also have a couple Xobni invites… and 50 gmail invites… 😉 #
- @shanselman because it aggregates EVERYTHING… wasn’t there a UI that was supposed to do just that? #
- @davidcrow #infopath is good for presenting users with a common form front-end… that’s about it… #
- @davidcrow Yes, I agree w/ u; however, from a rapid form development standpoint, it’s nice to not be in a custom app envir. #
Twitter Updates for 2008-03-20
March 20, 2008