Quote of the Day:
“Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible impossible.” – Javier Pascual Salcedo
There was a token piece of good news last month. President Obama ordered “a government-wide review of the rules already on the books to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive.”
But meanwhile, unelected bureaucrats are continuing to propose NEW anti-competitive, job-killing, regulations.
That’s why we’re grateful that the spending bill the House passed last week de-funds:
- Obamacare
- Greenhouse gas regulations
- Net Neutrality
We proposed exactly this strategy last month, and the House is implementing it.
But this approach is subject to compromises as the House, Senate, and President negotiate a final budget deal. That’s why . . .
ONLY DownsizeDC.org’s Write the Laws Act will stop irresponsible bureaucratic rule-making once and for all. Please tell Congress to pass it.
You may borrow from or copy this letter . . .
Bureaucratic rule-making violates the Separation of Powers. The Constitution doesn’t authorize bureaucrats to make rules that result in criminal and civil sanctions on individual citizens.
The constant creation of new regulations is also a nightmare for small businesses because they can never know how the rules will change next. This makes planning nearly impossible, and highly risky. Regulations also increase the costs of hiring and production, resulting in fewer jobs and higher prices.
That’s why I applaud the President for ordering a review of the nation’s regulations. Congress should hold him accountable to make sure he’s serious.
I also applaud the House for voting to de-fund Obamacare, the EPA’s greenhouse gas initiative, and so-called Net Neutrality. These new regulatory schemes will kill jobs and make America less competitive. I urge the House to hold firm on these cuts, and request my Senators to honor their Constitutional oaths of office by supporting these cuts too.
But you should do more. You need to introduce DownsizeDC.org’s Write the Laws Act because that’s the only way to keep unelected bureaucrats in check once and for all. WTLA requires that . . .
- you and your ELECTED colleagues write specific legislation, with no details left to the bureaucrats.
- all allegations of wrong-doing be tried in Judicial Branch courts, not by bureaucrats.
- all punishments be rendered by judges, not bureaucrats.
- Executive Branch agencies be limited to investigation and prosecution.
- citizens be held blameless against any government actions that violate these rules.
- previous legislation granting legislative and judicial power to bureaucrats be identified so it can be repealed.
These requirements will mean that . . .
- New regulations will follow the legislative process as outlined by the Constitution
- Congress won’t be able to duck responsibility for harmful regulations
- Businesses can expect fewer regulations to pass, and America will have a friendlier business environment
In essence, I’m saying, “No LEGISLATION without representation.”
Do all you can to stop harmful regulations today. But you should also act to prevent unelected bureaucrats from imposing regulations in the future. ONLY the Write the Laws Act will do that. Please introduce it and pass it.
You can send your letter using DownsizeDC.org’s Educate the Powerful System.
And we invite you to “like” us on Facebook and share this with your friends: http://www.facebook.com/downsizedc
James Wilson, Assistant Communications Director