If you’ve been awake this past decade you’re no doubt aware of the EULA (End User License Agreement), most of which basically throw out your Consumer Rights, and force you to contractually agree to “their terms.” Ironically, in most cases you never penned your signature in agreement, you just broke the seal on a box, opened a shrink-wrapped CD/DVD, accepted a receipt, or clicked an “I Agree” button (which was the only way to install that software).
Since a signature wasn’t obtained, the legality of these “agreements” is questionable, but may take more money and time for you to argue than you want to invest. So what can you do?
FIGHT BACK! How? With your own “agreement.” Basically, your amending THEIR agreement with your own? How legal is it? Apparently it’s just as legal as theirs is. Has it been tested? Not that I know of, but it does give you an argument about the validity of their agreement (after all, if yours isn’t valid, how can theirs be?).