Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Tagged: U.S. Senate

Recent Congressional Votes

In this MegaVote for Utah’s 1st Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes Senate: Short-term Continuing Resolution House: Short-term Continuing Resolution House: Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act...

Update from Senator Hatch

Fellow Utahns, This past week the Senate began debate of my patent reform bill that is a good step to helping entrepreneurship in America.  We also...

Recent Votes

In this MegaVote for Utah’s 1st Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes Senate: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 Senate: FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement...

Message from Senator Hatch

Fellow Utahn, This week the President released his budget that spends, borrows and taxes too much.  It was sadly a missed opportunity to free our children...