Tagged: U.S. Senate
Recent Congressional Votes
In this MegaVote for Utah’s 1st Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes Senate: Short-term Continuing Resolution House: Short-term Continuing Resolution House: Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act...
Update from Senator Hatch
Fellow Utahns, This past week the Senate began debate of my patent reform bill that is a good step to helping entrepreneurship in America. We also...
Tell Congress to Retain Senate Oversight of Appointees!
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly cutting a compromise with Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid which would reduce Congressional oversight of Obama appointees by...
Update from Senator Orrin Hatch
Fellow Utahn, Nothing is better than being home in Utah listening to the concerns of the people of our great state. What I keep hearing is...
Recent Votes
In this MegaVote for Utah’s 1st Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes Senate: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 Senate: FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement...
Message from Senator Hatch
Fellow Utahn, This week the President released his budget that spends, borrows and taxes too much. It was sadly a missed opportunity to free our children...