Recent Votes
We’re disappointed in Senator Hatch for failing to vote regarding the DREAM Act. We’re disappointed in Senator Hatch for failing to vote regarding the repeal of...
We’re disappointed in Senator Hatch for failing to vote regarding the DREAM Act. We’re disappointed in Senator Hatch for failing to vote regarding the repeal of...
Today, the Senate will hold cloture votes on the Police-Firefighter Forced Unionism bill, the DREAM Act, a package for 9/11 responders, and legislation that would give...
This Wednesday, the Senate will hold cloture votes on the Police-Firefighter Forced Unionism bill, the DREAM Act, a package for 9/11 responders, and legislation that would...
Alert: The UN wants to to be in charge of ALL aspects of our immigration laws and policies, and give the green light for a stampede...
ALERT: When Congress convenes for its lame-duck session on Nov. 29, it will be asked by ousted Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid to vote and...
We will NOT let the supporters of AMNESTY get away with this last-ditch attempt to violate the will of the PEOPLE — but we need YOUR help to...