The media and liberals in Washington have been abuzz this week about the possibility of a government shutdown beginning tonight at midnight.
If you’ve been following what they they’ve been saying, you’d think Armageddon was going to occur. They are still debating whether or not we should even make any cuts to our bloated federal budget.
The truth is, that debate ended last November when the American people spoke with a clear voice that we must halt the growth of the federal government. The debate now is about how much we need to cut in order to begin righting our nation’s fiscal path.
Republicans are not interested in excuses, but the Democrat party from President Obama on down is not willing to face reality and make the hard cuts to avoid a shutdown. I will not back down from this fight.
It’s time to complete the work that Democrats punted last year and fund the government for the rest of the year. Then we can move on to the bigger fiscal issues — passing a Balanced Budget Amendment, reforming our entitlements, and making longer-term structural changes to our federal spending.
Utahns understand that if we pass the spending reductions proposed by Republicans, life will go on.
The bottom-line is that the cuts proposed by Republicans are more than reasonable. Realistically, you and I both know that these cuts are just the beginning of the tough decisions required to change course and right our country’s fiscal future.
TV Interviews & Clips
- We Can’t Neglect Budget Responsibilities, U.S. Senate, April 7, 2011
- Sen. Democrats Budget Is Nothing, Fox Business, April 6, 2011
In The News
- Save America, Pass Amendment, Provo Daily Herarld, April 6, 2011
- Hatch: Dems Budget A Blank Page, Newsmax, April 6, 2011
- Hatch: Time To Wean Fannie, Freddie Off Government, Salt Lake Tribune, April 1, 2011
- Hatch And Lee’s Balanced Budget Amendment: A Win For America, Huffington Post, April 1, 2011
Selected Tweets – @OrrinHatch in 140 characters or less
- Democrats must have spending in their DNA. Honestly, they won’t cut 1.6% from 3 TRILLION dollars of projected spending! Ridiculous. #tcot
- Sen. Democrats have proposed no budget and no resolution to the pending gov’t shutdown. #utpol #utpol
- Always happy to join with Dr. Coburn to cut wasteful programs. #utpol #tcot
- The townhall had over 5000 people who listened from all major parties in 4 counties in Southern Utah. #utpol
- Sens. @OrrinHatch & @SenMikeLee pushing for Balanced Budget Amendment (@deseretnews) #utpol #tcot
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Orrin Hatch