We are standing on the brink of what could very well prove to be a catastrophic shift in the foundation of the United States. The shift isn’t caused by a growing economy or even a stagnant one, but an increasingly overweight, government that has become so obese that the very weight of it is cracking the very foundation of the Republic. We have a government getting fat on a people, and they complain about an obese, overweight population. Perhaps the establishment politicians in the nation’s capital should look in a mirror at the bloated bureaucracy that is scraping the dinner plates of America clean before the people get to eat.
The size and scope of our federal government is being fed too many tax dollars, and it’s out of control. When he was campaigning for office, Barack Obama told us what he was going to do “when” (not if) he was elected. So, we should not be surprised that we got when he promised. A very large, very obese government. Obama did, and is doing, what social progressives have been doing for a century—tinkering with America by releasing a drip-drip of devastating policies on us like slow water torture. When the Obama-Pelosi-Reid trifecta came to power, we experienced a tsunami of socialism raining down on America like an earthquake-fed tidal wave. But there’s “diet center” ahead.
Republicans won control of the “knife, fork and spoon” on Nov. 2. They now have a solid majority in the House of Representatives and a cloture-proof Senate. Their job is to put government on a diet. What our country will look like if don’t restore the Constitution as the menu of the United States will be “Jack Spratt” citizens and obese politicians and bureaucrats feasting on the sweat equity investment of the American people. We must put government on a diet, and restore sanity in government.
The message to those who will sit in the 112th Congress is loud and clear: Americans want their country back.
When he was leaving the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin was asked what kind of government America would be. He said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
I know you and I want to keep it. The question is, will you help me?
Within a week or so, Republicans will control every committee. It will be their turn to set the agenda of the House of Representatives. They will choose not only their leadership for the next session, but the leaders who will share in setting a new heading for America. Please join me in telling all GOP House members thatwe expect them to conduct business in a way that is constitutional, transparent and responsible to United States citizens. It is no longer good enough just to verbally criticize the liberal agenda—we must take immediate and decisive action in defense of limited government.
This will be the first real test to determine if the GOP actually has the mettle to undo the damage of Obama, Pelosi and Reid or if they will make the look like the 109th Congress by compromising with the left and governing like Democrats. The House needs to choose leadership and committee chairs that will hold to the truths that are self evident.
Therefore, I’m obligated to demand 5 things from the 112th Congress in the name of the American people:
We demand fiscal restraint. In the past 10 years, Congress has spent about $20 billion a year on earmarks. What’s a few billion when you’re looking at Obama’s multi-trillion dollar budget, right? Wrong. Every dollar spent is a dollar taken from the pocket of the American taxpayer. Right now every American man, woman and child has a $43,000 price tag on their head; and that number will continues to rise as financially obese politicians and bureaucrats take and spent the our money. America cannot afford bridges to nowhere, animal waste experiments and the thousands of other “pet projects” slipped into legislation in order to curry favor. Imagine if a total stranger from two states away sent you a bill every month for products and services youdidn’t order, don’t want and will never use. Sound absurd? Congress believes it’s an acceptable way to spend your money. Supporters of earmarks say that “…is the cost of doing business in Washington.” What they mean is, it’s the cost of their getting reelected to their seat in Congress. The cost is too high—and, it’s borne by the wrong people. If an obese Congressman or Senator wants to give away someone’s shirt to get elected, they need to make sure it’s their shirt., not ours! Put a moratorium on earmarks and end wasteful spending that does nothing but penalize the American taxpayer… and their children and grandchildren.
FAX GOP HOUSE MEMBERS and tell them to PUT AN END TO EARMARKS! The size and scope of government is still out of control because the Trifecta of the Left still controls what happens on Capitol Hill until Jan. 3. Which means, they can still do a lot of damage until the GOP takes control of the House. That means while we are now headed in the right direction, the battle to preserve what’s left of your personal wealth is still ongoing. AMERIPAC still needs your financial help to continue this fight because, knowing they’ve lost control of government, the far left feels it has nothing to lose… and what’s left of your assets to gain. HELP US HELP YOU.
The Constitution of the United States is the basis for our national strength and lays the groundwork for Liberty. Yet we are seeing more and more legislation that contains questionable provisions and overreaching authority. Therefore, we must require every bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to enact it. Without a clear notation of this authority within the legislation which cannot be expanded, we invite abuses of power, federal government takeovers and laws left open to interpretation by activist judges who rule by ideology and not Constitutional principles. If those citations of constitutional authority are not included, the American people insist that the House of Representatives remove those sections of the legislation, but include specific language in the bill to make sure deleted provisions are not secretly placed back in the legislation in Joint Conference before the enacted legislation is signed into law by the White House.
FAX GOP HOUSE MEMBERS and tell them to INCLUDE A CONSTITUTIONALITY SECTION IN EACH BILL! The size and scope of government is still out of control because the Trifecta of the Left will still influence what happens on Capitol Hill after Jan. 3. While we are now headed in the right direction, the battle to preserve what’s left of your personal wealth is still ongoing. AMERIPAC still needs your financial help to continue this fight because, knowing they’ve lost control of government, the far left feels it has nothing to lose… and what’s left of your assets to gain. HELP US HELP YOU.
Americans do not trust Washington, with good reason. It has become standard operating procedure for thousands of pages of legislation to be voted on without meaningful debate and enacted before members of Congress are given anything except a synopsis of the bill about to be voted on. Since the 111th Congress did not need a single GOP vote to pass any piece of legislation, the view of the social progressive leadership was to keep the GOP in the dark, so they could not leak information to their constituents that might put their legislative agenda at risk. The American people demand open and transparent government. We intend to hold our representatives accountable and demand government of the people. No more secret deals. No more excuses. It is time to end Nancy Pelosi-style guerilla tactics, closed-door meetings and “Let’s hurry up and pass this bill so we can see what’s in it.”
FAX GOP HOUSE MEMBERS and tell them to PUBLISH EVERY FINAL BILL ON THE INTERNET AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE FLOOR VOTES! The size and scope of government is still out of control because the Trifecta of the Left still controls what happens on Capitol Hill until Jan. 3. Which means, they can still do a lot of damage until the GOP takes control of the House. That means while we are now headed in the right direction, the battle to preserve what’s left of your personal wealth is still ongoing. AMERIPAC still needs your financial help to continue this fight because, knowing they’ve lost control of government, the far left feels it has nothing to lose… and what’s left of your assets to gain. HELP US HELP YOU.
The $800 billion stimulus bill was a joke because everybody knew that the promise of “shovel-ready” jobs was a lie (and the Obama administration has since admitted as much). Any “jobs” that were created—and there aren’t many, if any—were mostly infrastructure-related (like taking the census) and therefore, of course, were short-term. The overwhelming conclusion is that the stimulus did not make a dent in our economy (but devastated our wallets). In the year since its passage, we’ve seen stimulus package money go toward a turtle “ecopassage” ($3.4 million), a joke machine ($700,000) and dead people ($18 million). Even prisoners got a kickback. This package isn’t stimulating anything but more debt for the American people. Congress has a responsibility to examine, expose and end these fraudulent payouts immediately.
FAX GOP HOUSE MEMBERS and tell them to ELIMINATE STIMULUS PACKAGE WASTE & FRAUD! The size and scope of government is still out of control because the Trifecta of the Left still controls what happens on Capitol Hill until Jan. 3. Which means, they can still do a lot of damage until the GOP takes control of the House. That means while we are now headed in the right direction, the battle to preserve what’s left of your personal wealth is still ongoing. AMERIPAC still needs your financial help to continue this fight because, knowing they’ve lost control of government, the far left feels it has nothing to lose… and what’s left of your assets to gain. HELP US HELP YOU.
Obama’s healthcare system takeover gave the federal government control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy. The Director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, said recently that “the most significant effect of Obamacare will be to reduce America’s labor force.” Mercifully, most of the provisions in Obama’s healthcare package have not yet gone into effect, though we are seeing storms on the horizon as insurance premiums rise and businesses fight back against the added burden. In other words, the worst is yet to come. Today it is high prices; tomorrow will bring limited choice and a European-style decrease in the quality of care—and much, much worse. Now is the time to kill Obama’s healthcare takeover, and focus on stopping this unchecked, unbalanced “redistributive” socialist expansion designed to ruin our country.
I know you agree that we must get the government out of our lives and under control, or the end result will be devastating. Join me now in making sure the 112th United States House of Representatives understands that, as well.
This is an absolutely crucial moment in our nation’s history, and there is no time to waste.
FAX GOP HOUSE MEMBERS and tell them the size and scope of our government is out of control—we want our country back! Now is the time to act, before the damage that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have done becomes too great! The size and scope of government is still out of control because the Trifecta of the Left still controls what happens on Capitol Hill until Jan. 3. Which means, they can still do a lot of damage until the GOP takes control of the House. That means while we are now headed in the right direction, the battle to preserve what’s left of your personal wealth is still ongoing. AMERIPAC still needs your financial help to continue this fight because, knowing they’ve lost control of government, the far left feels it has nothing to lose… and what’s left of your assets to gain. HELP US HELP YOU.
Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC