Dear Patriotic American,
Just when I thought that I had heard all the strange things that I possibly could from President Barack Obama; this past Friday night, he again proved me wrong.
Obama actually said: “Let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”
WOW! What a slap in the face to the families of the 3,000 victims of 9-11!
It is inconceivable that Barack Obama actually made this statement backing the Ground Zero Mosque, even though 70% of all Americans adamantly OPPOSE such an undertaking. I am appalled. I am outraged. Where is his conscience?
The fact that President Obama made this outrageous statement during a state dinner honoring Ramadan in front of a largely Islamic audience is unbelievable.
There was nothing wrong with President Obama’s FIRST PART of his statement. However, the second part of the statement was the one that THREE-FOURTHS of Americans disagree.
There is about this controversy that involves freedom of religion! Muslims can and do build mosques in every corner of the United States. However, it is the precise location of this particular mosque that most Americans have a problem with, a location that many believe was deliberately and provocatively chosen. When Muslims want to promote reconciliation and healing—THIS IS NOT THE EXACT SPOT TO DO THAT!
The very next day, because of the national outcry, President Obama began to back-peddle: “I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there. I was commenting very specifically on the rights people have that dates back to our founding. That’s what our country is about.”
I know that the location of the Ground Zero Mosque is troubling enough, the likelihood that it will serve as a focal point for planning and executing jihadist attacks causes even more disdain.
Barack Obama, our president, continues to bend over backwards to single out the most controversial mosque ever proposed to be built in America as the recipient of his “official” blessing. He continues to feel concern about “pleasing our enemies”!
President Obama is completely wrong on this issue!
In spite of the Commander-in-Chief’s “blessing,” we must oppose at every turn!
Please CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every Member of Congress, pleading with them to go on record andSTOP the Ground Zero mosque!! Your critical largeDONATION to STAND AMERICA-PAC will make sure we continue to MOBILIZE Americans and Congressmen to TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!!
I would have to really think of a time when I agreed with U. S. Senator Harry Reid. But even President Obama’s chief lieutenant, Senator Harry Reid, has come against this recent statement by Barack Obama. Senator Harry Reid said: “The First Amendment protects freedom of religion. I respect that but I think that the mosque should be built someplace else!” He is the most senior Democrat to come out in opposition to the mosque. Of course, Reid is in a hotly-contested re-election race for the U. S. Senate in November.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said: “President Obama is wrong. It is insensitive and uncaring for the Muslim community to build a mosque in the shadow of Ground Zero. While the Muslim community has the right to build the mosque, they are abusing that right by needlessly offending so many people who have suffered so much.”
Obama continued to declare: “This is America and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to which we are. The writ of our founders must endure.”
My Friend, our forefathers would be turning over in their graves!!
Mr. Obama did NOT have to join this local debate. But he felt the compulsion to do so. According to the Washington Post, they write: “The president’s statement puts him once again at the center of a cultural clash just as his party enters the final stretch of a difficult congressional campaign. Polls suggest that most Americans disagree with his position; a recent CNN poll found that 68 percent opposed to building a mosque near the 9-11 site.
Democrats are “running scared” at the statement of Mr. Obama. They understand that almost three-fourths of Americans oppose this mosque near Ground Zero.
The Anti-Defamation League surprised many by urging the complex to be built somewhere else, saying the “sensitivities of the September 11 victims should be paramount. Construction of the complex close to Ground Zero would be insensitive and counterproductive to reconciliation.”
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised President Obama for speaking publicly about the issue and told reporters he would not read “nuances” into Obama’s second round of comments on the mosque. In a statement, Bloomberg applauded Obama’s remarks, calling them a “clarion defense of the freedom of religion.”
Rep King went on to say: “The Muslims have, as everyone else does, the right to practice their religion, and they have the right to construct a mosque at ground zero if they wish. But Muslims should listen to the deep wounds and anguish this is causing to so many good people.”
One organization wrote: “President Obama… publically embraced the greatest ‘tar-baby’ of his presidency.” Yes, he stands with Sharia Law!
Here is the bottom line: The President of the United States now supports jihad. He supports Islam, or Sharia Law. Sharia Law is not just a religion, but a political jihad.
The 9-11 attacks were a deeply disturbing event for the United States. The trauma and pain experienced by those who lost loved ones is unimaginable. This issue creates strong emotions. Ground Zero is “hallowed ground”.
More troubling is the Imam requesting the Ground Zero Mosque, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is who one exclaimed that America was the real cause of the 9-11 tragedy!
Here is the kicker: Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf is on the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PAYROLL as a spokesperson for “Islam in America” as he lectures overseas in Mideast countries—all at taxpayer expense. YOU and ME!
Rauf has refused to condemn Hama! He will not answer questions about the Muslim Brotherhood either! Given the secretive and deceptive nature of jihad, Rauf is hardly the sort of Muslim to inspire trust. Yet, Barack Obama still bends over backwards to endorse Rauf’s one hundred million dollar project!
The head Imam at this mosque is being paid by YOU—yes, you, the taxpayer—to tour the Middle East, telling about Muslims in America, courtesy of the U. S. State Department—and YOUR MONEY!
This is totally outrageous!
Ground Zero Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf… who is on the US State Department payroll!
The Imam of the projected Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is on a tour to Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates — all paid for by the United States State Department (with Hillary Clinton at the helm) with taxpayer money!! YOUR MONEY!
This is more than just an outrage. It is criminal!
Our own U. S. State Department confirmed last Tuesday that they were sending Rauf on this mission. “He is a distinguished Muslim cleric,” said P. J. Crowley, a State department spokesman. He explained: “We do have a program whereby, through our Educational and Cultural Affairs Bureau here at the State Department, we send people from Muslim communities here in this country around the world to help people overseas understand our society and the role of religion within our society.”
Of course I believe in freedom of religion. That is one of the “cornerstones” of our democracy. However, let’s look at what this Imam has actually said to ATTACK the United States.
It appears that the man leading this initiative blames us for the attack on the World Trade Center. Here is an exact quote from the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf:
“The United States and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end.”
We must absolutely make sure that every Congressman comes against building a mosque at Ground Zero. How insulting to the victims’ families!
If someone told me that on September 12, 2001, I knew it would have been a lie! Even when I hear it now—nine years later, it seems absolutely contrary to what I, as a patriotic American, can even imagine.
Now don’t get me wrong—one of the great strengths of this great country is our diversity and our religious freedom and tolerance. Even though I believe quite differently, I believe that peaceful Muslims can worship their god in whatever way they choose, wherever they choose.
The images of the buildings collapsing are still etched permanently in my mind. The images of the planes flying right into the Twin Towers are forever in my mind. And they always will be.
Within two blocks of GROUND ZERO, they are building a Mosque!!
I believe in the American ideal of freedom of worship. I have no problem with that. BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MUSLIM MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO!!
In the meantime, where is the memorial to the 3,000 Americans who were killed on September 11th? It has faced obstacles and delays. If this mosque is a symbol of anything, it is a tribute to the radical Islam fascists who created human carnage in the name of the Muslim god, Allah! American Mosques have been a key breeding ground for jihadists.
Please give the largest gift that you possibly can to STAND AMERICA-PAC as we EXPOSE this attack. Ground Zero must be declared a national historic site, and the law must prohibit anything that blurs the memory of those who were killed.
I need to hear from you today before they take another step in the planning of the Ground Zero Mosque.
Thank you for your true patriotism,
E. W. Jackson, Sr., Chairman
P. S. Please help us to MOBILIZE individuals and Congressmen to take appropriate action IMMEDIATELY! Make sure your voices and votes are heard LOUD and CLEAR—Take action AGAINST THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE!!
Obama Backs Ground Zero Mosque… #utpol #tcot #gop