Ah… remember the days when you pulled out the old shoe box full of pictures, chatted with friends and family about memories caught on photo-paper, and reminisced about days gone by… only to bid them farewell and find that you’d been left with a huge stack of pictures scattered across the coffee table? You’d have to grumblingly shuffle all those pics back up and try and weasel them back into the shoe box — which was nearly always in impossible task, even though they all came out of the blasted thing to begin with.
Well, with this new .NET application, Windows users can be left with the same messy pile of pictures across their desktop as wallpaper! No shoe box required!
According to the blog entry from my buddy Mike Dopp “Create visual stunning wallpapers from your personal photo collections. This Wallpaper Generator makes it easy to compose your most beautiful photos to stunning wallpapers for your desktop!”
Thanks, Mike. My desktop wasn’t messy enough already. 😉
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