Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Message from Senator Hatch

Fellow Utahns,

Last Thursday, the Senate, despite my strong opposition, approved the President’s request to increase the debt limit by another $1.2 trillion up to $16.4 trillion.  This was a hugely disappointing moment, because as all Utahns know, this level of debt is a threat to our economy, our country and our future prosperity.

Last summer we got a taste of what is to come when Moody’s downgraded America’s credit rating.  Utahns must never forget that this downgrade occurred under, and because of, this Administration’s fiscal stewardship.

It is long past time to focus on the job at hand, which is to allow the private sector to create jobs and to get rid of the $1-trillion-plus deficits of the Obama Presidency.  It is time to get rid of our mountain of debt that surpasses the size of our entire economy and to bring the size of our federal government back down to historical norms.

The fight is not over – cutting spending and constraining our debt is a national imperative.

Below are some of my statements from the previous week.

Hatch, 43 Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline
Earlier today, I joined 43 colleagues in the Senate in announcing that we will introduce legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project under Congress’s authority enumerated in the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. The bipartisan group of senators is committed to working together to advance this critical project for the United States, which is expected to create as many as 20,000 jobs across the country.

I believe that the White House’s decision to reject the Keystone pipeline project was another failure in leadership from one of the most anti-American-energy Administrations in our nation’s history. This common-sense legislation would overturn the White House’s inexplicable decision and allow this critical, job-creating project to move forward.

For more information read more.

Hatch, Lee Introduce Resolution Honoring Ogden Police Officers
Special Agent Francom and his fellow officers were serving and protecting our community when they were cowardly attacked.  Today, we ask that the entire United States Senate join with us in honoring these officers’ bravery and service to their community.  Special Agent Falcom was a member of the Ogden Police Department for eight years, and I know his memory will live on through the honor and distinction of his fellow officers in the force.

For more information click here.

Hatch on Defense Secretary Panetta’s Announcement for Further Defense Reductions
The Defense Department announced that they intend to cut 10 percent of the Air Force’s tactical air squadrons, as well as cuts across other branches of the military.

I will carefully scrutinize these defense reductions to ensure no unwise or imprudent decisions are made that could leave our nation or our state vulnerable.  Utah’s defense facilities, including Hill Air Force base, with their unmatched workforce are and will remain central to a strong national defense.

For more information click here.

Senator Orrin Hatch

P.S. If you have any concerns which my office can help with, please visit my website at 


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