Memos in Obama appointed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s own handwriting indicate she altered evidence in a case before the Supreme Court and coerced witnesses to change their testimony.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, (ACOG), commissioned an expert panel of scientists to examine the partial birth abortion issue. The panel report stated the ACOG “could identify no circumstances under which this procedure . . . would be the only option to save the life or preserve the health of the woman.”
Upon receiving this information, Kagan, then acting as the attorney defending Partial Birth Abortion (PBA) for the Clinton Administration, issued the following memo in her own handwriting which noted, “This, of course, would be disaster,” and a handwritten list of “suggested options” that the administration should pursue to pressure the ACOG to replace the original damning statement. Among that handwritten list of “options” is the revised report findings statement on partial-birth abortion, stating PBA “may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman.”
Let’s look at that again:
Original Report:
The ACOG “could identify no circumstances under which this procedure, (partial birth abortion), . . . would be the only option to save the life or preserve the health of the woman.”
Kagan Revised:
PBA (partial-birth abortion) “may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman.”
ACOG’s panel of scientists never read nor approved Kagan’s “revision”; yet it was this misleading statement, completely opposite the meaning of the ACOG scientists’ findings, that was presented to the Supreme Court. And it was this false statement that led the Supreme Court to overturn Nebraska’s Partial Birth Abortion ban and 29 other state laws where We the People forbid this evil, torturous practice of delivering all but a baby’s head, killing the child, then completing the birth of the murdered infant’s corpse.
The evidence is irrefutable, Elena Kagan clearly defrauded the Supreme Court into ruling against the will of the People and in accordance with the wishes of the death-dealing Abortion lobby.
After her tainted confirmation, Declaration Alliance and Freedom Watch filed a complaint before the Supreme Court to have Elena Kagan disbarred for this unbelievably fraudulent and criminal activity. We are continuing to pursue legal action through the (painfully slow) Court system on this complaint. This troubling issue was even raised by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Lindsey Graham (R- SC) in Kagan’s confirmation hearings. But Kagan lied under oath, telling the entire Senate and the American public that she did not defraud the court, even though the proof to the contrary was in her own handwriting! Sadly, decent and courageous Republicans, and conscientious Pro-Life Democrats simply did not have enough votes to keep abortion-loving leftist Senators from pushing Kagan onto the highest court in the land.
“Here, Justice Elena Kagan not only falsified evidence, thereby obstructing justice, but her fraud resulted in the barbaric deaths of unborn late term infants, in a heinous manner the American people had properly legislated as unlawful. She should be indicted and tried in a court of law for her crimes,” stated Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch.
Kagan Knowingly, Willingly and Actively Engaged In A Conspiracy To Deceive The Supreme Court – This Is a Crime and Kagan Must Be Investigated and Impeached!
Documents released by the Clinton White House archives show Kagan’s“willingness to manipulate medical science to fit the Democratic party’s political agenda on the hot-button issue of abortion.”
Life and Liberty PAC asks that YOU join in our URGENT fax program IMMEDIATELY to TELL ALL 535 IN THE U.S. SENATE AND HOUSE TO INVESTIGATE AND IMPEACH KAGAN, that JUSTICE MIGHT BE SERVED AND LEGAL ETHICS UPHELD. The will of the American People must be respected, that proper deliberation might be brought to bear upon her full record and testimony, and that the nation might be afforded reasonable time to alert the entire U.S. to THIS SHOCKING AND UNFOLDING SCANDAL of unethical and even criminal actions demonstrating Kagan’s manifest unfitness for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States.
MANY important pro-life legal challenges will be coming before the federal courts because of the anti-Constitution, anti-Life, pro-Abortion ObamaCare legislation. Kagan’s unethical bent is already manifestly evident, and her unwillingness to appropriately recuse herself from cases is also already an open scandal. She MUST be impeached.
Thank you. I know I can count on you to defend the unborn and the rule of law!
Mary Lewis, Chair