Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Is a National ID Card coming in May?

Even though no one on Capitol Hill is talking about it, unless it is stopped, in less than 90 days, you will be REQUIRED by federal law to have, and carry on your person, a “national ID” card in the form of a national drivers’ license. You know, the type of card the Nazi’s and the communists in the Soviet Union made people carry. In 1993 the Republican Congress referred to it as an “internal passport” when the Clinton Administration initially tried to create it—first as a national healthcare card, then as a “jobs card” to keep illegal aliens from stealing jobs from U.S. citizens and finally, in 1996, as a national drivers’ license.

Based on the provisions of The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13, 119 Stat 392), Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security will now require the federalization of State-issued driver’s licenses by May 11, 2011. Every State will be required to issue driver’s licenses that conform to new federal identification compliance “standards.”

Living in America, did you ever think you’d experience the invasive government, Big Brother tactics that we see in movies of Nazi Germany, in which uniformed officers demand: “Where are your papers?”

That is exactly what YOUR government is doing!

I am reminded of George Orwell’s riveting book, “1984.” Is “1984” now upon us? The new national ID cards, disguised as a uniform drivers’ license, will be biometric. Each card will store personal data about the card holder. What information? Whatever the computer chip will hold—up to a gigabyte of data. And, each card will contain a GPS tracking chip. (Just in case someone steals your card, Big Brother will know, within 3 feet, where that card is at any moment.) George Orwell’s 1984 has finally arrived—and only 27 years late.

If this battle is not waged—and won—by May 11, 2011, the American people will be carrying a federal ID card that will double as a State-issued drivers’ license. You will need it to vote. You will need it to enter a federal building. You will need it to buy a plane ticket. And, believe it or not, you will need it if you are stopped while jogging in the park or sitting on your front porch. Oh, yes…and because it will be your drivers’ license as well, you will need it to drive your car.


REAL I.D. was enacted in 2005 to make it more difficult for people who are not citizens to secure a state-issued driver’s license. After being delayed several times the law takes effect on May 11, 2011. At that time, every State will be required to create a drivers’ license that conforms to new federal “standards.”

In short: REAL I.D. allows the government to convert your state issued drivers’ license into a standardized National ID Card, with all the scary attributes of an internal passport that can be used by government to control or monitor your movement or access to public buildings.

How did we allow this to happen? We “allowed it” to happen because, in 2001, we were more concerned about terrorists than civil liberties. Congress passed the Real ID Act on May 11, 2005, creating a mandatory national standard for State-issued drivers’ licenses, making the data points identical on all cards. The new law also requires those who do not drive to have a state-issued “non-driver” ID card. The card is biometric and can store up to a gigabyte of data about the cardholder. In addition, each card will contain a GPS radio chip (like your cell phone), that will allow those with the authority to do so to track the whereabouts of the cardholder at any time since, unlike your cell phone, you can’t turn your drivers’ license “on” or “off.”

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to REPEAL, RESCIND, or CUT THE FUNDING to implement REAL I.D. This is so important that, if we lose this one, personal liberty in the United States will have been lost, perhaps permanently! And, please, give the best GIFT that you can to AmeriPAC as we fight against this government intrusion into every aspect of our daily lives. It will be an expensive fight. But what is at stake is our individual LIBERTY.

The controversial 2005 bill, designed to create national standards for driver’s licenses, is doing far more than that, according to a report released by the Center for Immigration Studies. The report, authored by Janice Kephart, Director of National Security Policy at CIS, offered an update on the implementation status of the Real ID Act in each state. The results were frightening. “Real ID is alive and well and it is being implemented,” Kephart said. Most states are already compliant well before the deadline. Personal data about you has already been taken and it has been stored in a dossier about you.

In addition to the rehash of the 1993 Clinton National ID Card, the impetus for REAL ID stemmed from recommendations from the 9/11 Commission, although the standards established by the 9/11 Commission have already been repealed. REAL ID requires State driver’s license authorities to use more stringent measures to verify Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, proof of citizenship and immigration status. The act prescribes 18 SEPARATE SECURITY CONTROLS that States are now required to use when issuing driver’s licenses.

And this information will be available to law enforcement officials in all other States. If you were stopped in any State for speeding, the police in that State can “read” the database assigned to your card and virtually “share your information” over the Internet with any other government agency in any state. The presumptions of “unreasonable search” are gone forever, since any semblance of real privacy ceases to exist when REAL ID goes into effect.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to REPEAL, RESCIND, or CUT THE FUNDING to implement REAL I.D. This is so important that, if we lose this one, personal liberty in the United States will have been lost, perhaps permanently! And, please, give the best GIFT that you can to AmeriPAC as we fight against this government intrusion into every aspect of our daily lives. It will be an expensive fight. But what is at stake is our individual LIBERTY.

In addition to some First Amendment concerns, the REAL ID Act violates the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, because driver’s license, as such, should come under state perview, not the laws of the federal government. A federal drivers’ license violates the Tenth Amendment with respect to state power, and obliterates the states’ dual sovereignty with the federal government, making the State subservient to the federal government.

The REAL ID Act implementation will make it much easier for the federal government to track every American – which is its purpose under the REAL ID Act. This is an outright invasion of your privacy. You must tell your Member of Congress this. We need to make sure that those in Congress understand that you object to government having more information than they absolutely need to know to tax you, or to send you a check.

Anything else is not their business. We must do everything that we can to invalidate the May 11, 2011 “peeper deadline,” when the National Transportation Highway Safety Administration through the Department of Homeland Security and the Commerce Department will begin to implement the National Drivers’ License. Are you ready for George Orwell’s Big Brother?

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to REPEAL, RESCIND, or CUT THE FUNDING to implement REAL I.D. This is so important that, if we lose this one, personal liberty in the United States will have been lost, perhaps permanently! And, please, give the best GIFT that you can to AmeriPAC as we fight against this government intrusion into every aspect of our daily lives. It will be an expensive fight. But what is at stake is our individual LIBERTY.

Before a REAL ID can be issued, the applicant must provide the following documentation:

  1. A photo ID, or a non-photo ID that includes his or her full legal name and birth date
  2. Documentation of birth date (i.e., your birth certificate)
  3. Documentation of legal status and Social Security number
  4. Third party documentation showing name and place of residence.

The Department of Homeland Security insists the new drivers’ licenses cannot be construed as a “National ID Card” because the cards are issued by the States and not the federal government. However, the Real ID Act mandates national standards and national formatting which the States must abide by in creating their “State” cards. So, when you hear the rhetoric, it is just that—rhetoric. It’s federal government “double-talk.” Please help us stop this federal intrusion into your privacy right now.

The liberal American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland says: “The law places no limits on potential required uses for Real IDs.” In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun. The private sector could begin mandating a Real ID to perform countless commercial and financial activities, such as renting a DVD or buying car insurance. Ultimately, just as Social Security Cards were never supposed to be used for ID purposes, Real ID drivers’ license will, very quickly, become de facto national ID cards, which is why people who don’t drive will still need to carry one.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to REPEAL, RESCIND, or CUT THE FUNDING to implement REAL I.D. This is so important that, if we lose this one, personal liberty in the United States will have been lost, perhaps permanently! And, please, give the best GIFT that you can to AmeriPAC as we fight against this government intrusion into every aspect of our daily lives. It will be an expensive fight. But what is at stake is our individual LIBERTY.

The “machine-readable technology,” as required by REAL ID, would convert state-issued driver licenses and identification cards into TRACKING DEVICES, allowing computers to pinpoint and record people’s whereabouts anytime that they are identified. Under REAL ID, all state drivers’ license databases will be linked. This will allow information in a person’s ID database in any state to be accessible by officials in any other State, or by the federal government.

In 1998 the Clinton Administration tested a privately-funded card without the consent of Congress. Their card was part of a special healthcare program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The program was initiated in five western States and entailed giving women with dependent children free healthcare in the pilot project that actually tested the effectiveness of the biometric cards, which electronically monitored the whereabouts of the cardholder 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by GPS. The test lasted one year. It was deemed to be a success. So you see, the federal government already has the ability to track the whereabouts of its human capital while they work, when they play, and where they sleep. REAL ID, in other words, is REAL Intrusive.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to REPEAL, RESCIND, or CUT THE FUNDING to implement REAL I.D. This is so important that, if we lose this one, personal liberty in the United States will have been lost, perhaps permanently! And, please, give the best GIFT that you can to AmeriPAC as we fight against this government intrusion into every aspect of our daily lives. It will be an expensive fight. But what is at stake is our individual LIBERTY.

Please, AmeriPAC needs your support. We need that support right now, so we can make a genuine difference in protecting your individual privacy!

This REAL ID Act is diametrically opposed to the Jeffersonian principles of individual liberty, free markets, and limited government.

This legislation needs to be repealed and/or, under the Unfunded Mandates Act of 1994, the ability of the federal government to enforce it must be eliminated. There is no time to waste!

Alan Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC


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