Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Grassroots Training School

It’s happening this Saturday–a grassroots political activist training school right here in Utah!

Campaign for Liberty is teaching a one-day, all-day intensive school on grassroots political activism on Saturday, July 31. Senior Consultant Kirk Shelley will teach this school, which will begin at 9 AM and end at 5 PM (with a lunch break in the middle). Our venue will be a classroom setting on the second floor of the Miller Professional Development Center (MPDC) at the Salt Lake Community College, located at 9750 S 300 W in Sandy, Utah.

You do not want to miss this opportunity! I first attended a course like this in the 90s in connection with my interest in preserving the rights of gun ownership (and getting legislators who stood up for gun ownership). You will be amazed at the tools and information taught in this school!

Read this blog to learn more about this amazing opportunity.

Visit this site to purchase a ticket to attend ($25 with lunch or $15 without lunch, but you must sign up by Thursday evening if you want lunch).

This is not a seminar on ideas or theories – this school is about how to create change. This not a class on how to schmooze, but what you need to do to be respected and feared by the political class. If you are frustrated by politicians who say one thing at the Tea Party Rally, but break their promise at the Capitol, then you need to be at this school.

Guess what: the politicians see you coming.  They know how to deal with people like you.  They don’t want to give in to people like us.  They know how to confuse you, discourage you, make you waste your time, make you go away, and if all else fails, buy you off.

Effective political mobilization is not taught at major universities.  It is not taught at think tanks, it is not taught at mass demonstrations, and it is rarely even taught by grassroots organizations, who for the most part only expect their members to send letters to legislators and send them money. It is not taught because the political class doesn’t want you to know it.

Decide now to attend this school and learn what most politicians don’t want you to know.

Here again is the link to purchase a ticket.

If you would like to bring campaign materials (supporting the candidate of your choice) to the school to share with others, you are welcome to do so. While Campaign for Liberty neither supports nor endorses any candidate, YOU as a private citizen may do so.

Also, organizers of the AXIOM Conference (that will be held in an adjacent building, Friday through Sunday) have invited us to purchase a ticket to the Friday and Sunday sessions of their conference for only $60. Plus, if you like, you may stay at the Cotton Tree Inn for about $75 if you mention the promo code, AXIOM, when you make your hotel arrangements.

In Liberty,

Lowell Nelson, Campaign for Liberty
Interim State Coordinator, Utah
Recruit, Equip, Train, Mobilize


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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    Grassroots Training School… #utpol #tcot #gop

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