My wife and I saw a preview of a movie called Serenity that looked like a fanciful combination between the Old West and Sci-Fi. (Remember, even Lucille Ball touted Star Trek as a “Wagon Train in Space” to get the TV executives to buy off on it.) It was novel, fresh, and Sci-Fi, what more could any geek ask for? We loved it, but it was just a movie, and once we exited the theater the experience was nothing more than a memory of a really good flick.
I was introduced to Firefly by a co-worker. I had no idea that Serenity was a movie made AFTER a television series canceled in its first season. That almost never happens. I immediately rented the first disk of the series. Wow! We were back in the story created by Joss Whedon, getting more stories, background, adventures, and details about the characters that we’d been introduced to in the movie! It was great! We soon had rented the rest of the discs in the series, only to come to the sad realization that the last disc was literally, the last disc. We re-watched the movie (on DVD) with a whole new set of understaning and depth behind the characters and story lines. What a great series. What a great movie. What a great shame that there’s not more of it.
As I wander the endless bleakness that is the web and the ‘blogosphere I occasionally stumble across a kindred soul, someone with the same interests and similar opinions as me. Matthew Long is one such person, and even though he probably has no idea who I am, I consider him among one of my friends, just from what I’ve learned about him through his ‘blog.
In many ways the only aspect of the TV series ‘Firefly’ that is science fiction is the fact that they use space ships and hover crafts. Even the weaponry is good ole’ fashioned gun powder and bullets (with a few exceptions where lasers are introduced). The point here though is that good story telling is what sets good television shows and movies apart from the rest. I like the sci-fi context, limited as it may be, in ‘Firefly’, but more than anything I think it is a great show that really enables you to relate to the characters. Though they are used frequently, special effects merely enhance the story rather try to become the story as so many shows and movies try to do these days (especially movies).
Many people have never even heard of ‘Firefly’ and may never hear of it since the series was cancelled back in 2003, the same season it started. This is a sad reality. …
Head on over to Matthew’s ‘blog and read the rest of his article on Firefly then go rent the series and the movie!