On Thursday, Dec. 2, at 7 p.m., Sutherland will hold the third of our Responsible Citizen Courses: “Caucuses, Conventions, Cookies and Punch: Understanding Utah’s Electoral System.”
Utah’s electoral process has been called unique and quirky. Most newcomers, however, find it complicated and confusing. In this introductory class, we will follow Utah’s electoral process from precinct caucus meetings to the general election. As a result, you will leave with a clearer understanding of the system and of just how great your individual impact is in selecting your elected officials.
This class will be held at Sutherland’s headquarters (click here for a map). It costs $10 for the public but is free for those who join the Responsible Citizen Exchange.
To register, please contact Keven Stratton at 801-355-1272 or by email, RCE@sutherlandinstitute.org.