We’ve made it through another Caucus. Two years ago we had an “unprecedented turnout” especially for a Presidential mid-term cycle. According to our previous Precinct Chair, we more than doubled the turn-out at the previous Caucus 2 years before that!
Last week we blew that attendance out of the water! We had 70 credentialed voters, and half-a-dozen others who were either under-age, or didn’t want to register as Republican (kudos to them for wanting to be present, even if they didn’t want to participate!).
This time around we were apportioned an additional State and an extra County Delegate, in part because of our increased Republican turn out at the last general election. We will have 5 County Delegates and 3 State Delegates at the conventions this year (plus an equal number of alternates, just in case one of the Delegates cannot attend).
To reflect the change, over the coming few days I’ll be changing the theme of the website, and focusing more on contacts and communication with our elected officials through our elected Delegates. This is our community, our elected officials work for us. Our Delegates will remind them of this.
I’ll also be sending emails to our Delegates (with CCs to our Alternates) about important dates, roles and responsibilities, and expectations. I anyone has questions, please contact me. I have been the Precinct Vice Chair for the last few years, and am now the Precinct Chair Elect (those elected at the Caucus take office on March 22, 2012), and will continue to be your single point of contact for any questions you may have about either State or Federal politics.
Congratulations on the tremendous turnout! I’m glad to be a member of our wonderful community!