Why would we elect anyone with a price on their head?
A new investigation into Barack Hussien Obama’s religious history confirms what many of us have been saying all along: Obama was Muslim in his youth. (Confirmed:...
A new investigation into Barack Hussien Obama’s religious history confirms what many of us have been saying all along: Obama was Muslim in his youth. (Confirmed:...
satire, politics, clinton, hillary, hillary 08, election, deomocrat, democracy, activism, humor, funny
Yes, folks, it’s politicking season again. :: sigh :: What’s worse? It’s time for another political blog post. So the big news is the Primary caucusing...
Q: Why do mass shooting happen in "Gun-Free Zones"? A: Same reason they don’t happen at firing ranges…
Donnell Williams from Wichita, Kansas had just gotten out of his bath tub, wearing only a towel, when he was met by a bunch of uniformed...
This Christmas season there will be a new children’s movie out in December called The Golden Compass. [ IMDB | Trailer ] The movie has been...