Severe Problems with Syracuse City's newly proposed "rules"
Apparently I was correct regarding Syracuse’s apparent lack of Rules of Order and Procedure. That said, there are some problems with Resolution No. R11-33: The resolution...
Apparently I was correct regarding Syracuse’s apparent lack of Rules of Order and Procedure. That said, there are some problems with Resolution No. R11-33: The resolution...
Tax his land, tax his wage, Tax his bed in which he lays. Tax his tractor, tax his mule, Teach him taxes is the rule. Tax...
The Dem’s are floating the “tax the rich”, “make the rich pay their ‘fair share’” rhetoric to try and pay for their programs. Which, of course,...
County Delegates, URGENT! The date for the Davis County Republican Party (DCRP) County Convention has been changed! County Delegates: We are each of you to check...
Quote of the Day: “Some people say I go too far in wanting to cut the government. They say I want to throw out the baby...
Even though no one on Capitol Hill is talking about it, unless it is stopped, in less than 90 days, you will be REQUIRED by federal law...
Quote of the Day: “We want to make sure we’re not over-playing the hand on the federal side because there is state inspection, and there’s a...