Members of the Davis County Republican Party Central Committee,
This is the official “Call” for our next County Central Committee Meeting to be held on September 15, 2011 at 6:30 PM at Bountiful City Hall (790 South 100 East, Bountiful).
The members of the Committee that are asked to attend will be credentialed at the meeting are:
- Party Officers
- Senate District Chairs and Vice Chairs
- Legislative District Chairs and Vice Chairs
- Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs
- Elected Republican County, State, and National officeholders residing in Davis County
- Chairs of affiliated organizations
Feel free to pass this info along to any of the above that you know so we can assure that the word gets out. We always have people that have changed email addresses and not notified the Party.
I have attached the agenda for the meeting. Click here to see it: AGENDA. It will be a very informative meeting talking about important goals and training that we will be doing for the upcoming Caucuses on March 15, 2012.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there to keep the momentum going for the Davis County Republican Party!
Rusty Cannon
Davis County Republican Party