Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Monthly Archive: January 2008

Xobni Beta Invites Available

If anyone is interested in beta testing Xobni (Microsoft’s Outlook plugin — "it’s inbox backwards"). This could prove to be what "fixes" enterprise email searching… You...

Are you a lemming?

I got an email from a family member arguing that we should ban Starbucks because someone heard that someone else heard that Starbucks’ said they didn’t...

WordPress News

I’ve been using WordPress to power my ‘blog for quite some time now and have been quite impressed with how it’s handled everything. One complaint that...

Who is (866) 831-7288?

I’ve been getting phone calls from "(866) 831-7288" or 801-831-7288 over the last few weeks. They never leave a message. Today I decided to call them...