Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™


Shortly after this year’s historic elections, Representative Jason Chaffetz had something shocking to say.

“We better produce, or they’ll kick us out, too!”

Finally, your message is getting through. Finally, a politician has publicly acknowledged the real seat of power in our Republic: it’s YOU!

In a direct-to-primary system (like SB54 is trying to force on all of us), people just like you get to go to the ballot box once every few years to cast a vote for who you think will best represent your views. Once the ballots are counted, elected officials have little incentive to pay attention to the individual voter (you).

Instead, they listen to their major donors, PICs and PACs, special interest groups, and paid lobbyists. Are you any of those? Probably not, which means your voice is all but silenced after the election – at least until the run-up to the next election.

Here in Utah, our Neighborhood Caucus and Convention system puts the pressure on our elected officials for the entire time they’re in office. In your neighborhood you have a Precinct Chair and Vice Chair, Precinct Treasurer Secretary, and Delegates for the Federal as well as Delegates for the State and County levels.

Precincts are made up of people in your neighborhood! It’s very likely that you could walk to their house and knock on their door whenever you want to have a political discussion.

That’s what the Anti-Caucus movement is so afraid of!

  • The people behind the inappropriately named “Count My Vote” initiative want your votes in the Primary and General elections to beyour only voice (just look at who funded Count My Vote!)!
  • In the Neighborhood Caucus and Convention system, your voice is heard loudly and clearly through their entire term in office!

“We better produce, or they’ll kick us out too!” – Rep. Jason Chaffetz

You better believe it! But thanks to your voice through your Precinct Officers and Delegates, you become the lobbyist, your neighborhood becomes the Special Interest Group. You and your neighbors have the power and the ability to make sure your voice continues to be heard – long after the election!

If that sounds like a lot of power and influence, you’re right! But the power is concentrated in the People (you and your neighbors), not some special interest group headquartered in some state back East. Isn’t that where it’s supposed to be?

Remember, we live in a representative Republic where you and your neighborhood have a voice! You and your neighbors ARE your own Special Interest Group. Get to know your Precinct Officers and Delegates! Don’t let your voice be silenced!

Joe Levi
Vice Chair, Davis County Republican Party


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