Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

News Page Format Changed

After inputting a few entries into the news page, it seemed as though I was getting closer and closer to the function of a web log (or ‘blog for those who aren’t up with the jargon). So rather than manually editing the news page every time an update came along (which I can do, lickity split), I’ve opted for using an actual, bona-fide ‘blogging solution.

Enter Using Blogger I can post an item to my news page simply by typing a title and the text, then pressing the “publish” button.

This means that I can upload news snippits, commentary, and other items of note much faster, and can even do it from my Pocket PC via the Wi-Fi (wireless network) at Weber State University.

I’ll also be posting in the first-person (rather than the third-person as you may note from previous posts).



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