Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Subterranian Housing

Underground Home by Simon DaleEver since I was little I’ve had a fascination with caves and living with nature.

When Star Wars: Ewok Adventures came out, the old hermit lived in a hallowed out tree. The stairs were so organic, the beds were nooks in the tree. It was just to, well, for lack of a better word: peaceful.

As I got older I grew to enjoy the out-of-doors. We try to make at least half-a-dozen camping trips each year, with at least one trip to a cave.

When Lord of the Rings came out I was instantly drawn to the interpretation of The Shire. It was some place that I felt I’d like to live.

Today I stumbled upon a home that Simon Dale built. Simon found building materials native to his site: rocks, trees, etc. and brought in materials to complete his home. It’s a very simple plan, but has all the things that make a house a home. Definitely worth a look.


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